A Decade Down and Forever to Go!
First picture: Photographed during Billy and Julia's senior year Vice dance at Calabasas High School, March 2014
Second picture: Photographed right after Billy proposed to Julia in the Botanical Gardens of San Francisco, March 2024
We remember meeting for the first time in 2008 when our older sisters took photos for their senior year Calabasas High School spring dance, called Vice. From the very start we found each other cute, although we didn't know each other yet.
Fast forward to our own senior year in 2014: Julia jokingly asked a classmate about getting set up with Billy. After class, her friend asked if she was seriously interested, and Julia said yes! Billy then scheduled a very romantic date to see Anchorman 2. Julia was so excited that her nerves got the best of her and she called in sick for the date just minutes beforehand. Billy thought his chance was gone, but they eventually rescheduled a date night and soon had many more to follow. Julia even asked Billy to their own senior year Vice dance. And Billy asked Julia to Prom.
We spent the second half of senior year and the summer afterward falling in love only to attempt to break up for college. Spoiler: IT DIDN'T WORK! Cue four years of long distance FaceTimes, summers in the valley, and cross-country college visits.
After college, we spent a year living back at home in the valley with our families as Billy applied to law school and Julia started her career in the nonprofit sector. We traveled to Europe that summer before moving to San Francisco in the fall for Billy to start law school.
Since then, we fell in love with the city of San Francisco: taking walks through Golden Gate Park, building a new community of friends, attending late Shabbats at Temple Emanu-El, and discovering fun new restaurants.
We took another big trip together to South America exploring Colombia, adventuring through Ecuador, and hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru.
We also endured challenges and supported each other through our career journeys, the loss of loved ones, and the ups and downs of living in a new city and entering adulthood.
For the past ten years we have grown up together and continued to love each other more and more each day. We are looking forward to our wedding day to celebrate with all of you! And now that we know each other even better, we still find each other pretty cute!